Monday, November 10, 2014

Reading Assessment

After 3 years a student can: 

  • He/She students understand that a is written for a particular purpose. 
  • He/She monitor their reading and draw on a wide range of problem-solving strategies to break down unknown words in a text. 
  • He/she can confidently discuss and talk about the meaning and think critically about ideas that may be alluded to but not explicit written. 

 Rylee's assessment is in the comments section of this post

An Orchestra- Information Report

An  Orchestra is a group of people that play all sorts of beautiful music with different kinds of instruments. In an orchestra instruments are separated into four musical families and those families are called string, bass, percussion and woodwind. The conductor is the man who controls the orchestra.

One of the orchestra families is the string instruments are played by plucking the string or rubbing by a bow against the strings. My favourite string instrument is a double bass.

Another family of the orchestra is the brass family. To play a brass instrument you blow air into the tiny hole at the end of the instrument. Most of the brass instruments make a lot of noise when blown.My favourite brass instrument is a tuba.

Another family of the orchestra is the percussion. To play a percussion instrument you can strike or shake the instrument. Some percussion instruments are hit by using your hands.

Lastly there is the woodwind section. The instruments in the woodwind section were originally made from wood from trees. To play woodwind instruments you blow into the mouth piece. My favourite woodwind is  an oboe.